Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Purchasing Good Investigative Essay Topics
Purchasing Good Investigative Essay Topics New Ideas Into Good Investigative Essay Topics Never Before Revealed No subject is too hard for all of us! Infidelity is something which not only impacts the victim, but in addition the doer. It is something which a person chooses to opt for in order to experience a seemingly better life. Attempt to locate a problem that is far from settled. Definitions of Good Investigative Essay Topics Once more, in the event the criteria, judgments and evidence are clear, the total thesis ought to be also. Physical impacts of the medication on the body A. Weight gain results from antidepressants slowing down the metabolism. Many studies are conducted with respect to the reason for infidelity and all of them have shown varied results. How to Find Good Investigative Essay Topics on the Web Don't forget your readers are experts when it regards the info you're providing. An excellent idea is to go to your favourite shop or cafe, and investigate th e method by which the owner manages to run the company and make profits whenever there are a lot of rivals around. You are going to be under the impression your paper is finalized. It is essential to be curious, to cast doubt on every potential standpoint. Choosing our service, you are going to realize that studying can be simple if you gain from the aid of competent experts. The fantastic significance of carrying out murder scene investigation is to generate identification and evidence that may be utilised to disclose the reason for death and to get facts that may be used to bring the culprit to book, in the event of murder. Researches in the area of human speech are extremely vital for many spheres of human knowledge and for the general evolution of science and technologies. The researcher would like to figure out if the plant may also regenerate like animals. Begin by making a preliminary outline, in which you must bring all the info you find it possible to get access to. A mind map is a huge format for this kind of outline as it supplies you with a visual summary of your thesis statement and the whole text structure. Employing mind maps to plan and outline your essay will not just make the writing process a good deal easier, it's also going to let you work through sources more efficiently and aid you in finding information more quickly. Organize your report by dividing the info into various sections, for greater understanding. There are many different guidelines you could follow as a way to compose a manageable essay topic idea. The more info you find it possible to collect before beginning the writing work, the more odds of proving your level of knowledge on this issue you'll ever have. Things to investigate A wide variety of issues can act as the principal subject for your investigation essay. There are some things to take into consideration when picking a topic. If you procrastinate and don't understand how to specify your subject, you should study some tips below. Chancing upon a subject is your very first challenge. Elect for a topic you're knowledgeable about and can provide valuable details on. Before starting to compose an investigative essay, it's required to find out more about the available information associated with the selected subject. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. A lot of students put on a uniform. Many students get frustrated and waste a good deal of time just hoping to work out the way to make all the various parts of information fit together into a coherent text. They want to know more about business operations. A Secret Weapon for Good Investigative Essay Topics The end result will be an outstanding outline that is simple to follow, user-friendly, and makes it less difficult to compose your essay. That strategy is excellent for a persuasive essay, but for an investig ative essay it's ideal to pick a topic which you have not chosen a side on. The most important purpose of an investigative essay is to demonstrate an exhaustive understanding of the subject in an unbiased method. The topic ought to be narrow enough so you can write about it in an essay format. Should you do a search, you can encounter a sizable selection of nursing essay subjects. The presentations must be based on your investigative essays, so you need to have the ability to speak authoritatively on your subject.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Issue Of Gun Violence - 947 Words
Many students in America, might consider school almost like a home because they spend about half a day in. We need students to be safe at school, so why not have an officer patrolling the hallways. To make the school much safer, the officers should have guns in case there is a threat towards the students. In the eyes of many United State citizens a gun can symbolize death; however, a gun can save several people’s lives. As U.S citizens, we have the right to keep and bear arms, so why do we not have police officers with guns patrolling schools. â€Å"Gun violence is a major social issue in America and American schools and university campuses have become targets of gun violence†(Bond). In the U.S we had several severe situations when someone comes to the school and starts to kill not only students, but teachers and staff, this could have been prevented if we were prepared and secured. Although the opposition may suggest it could be more dangerous to have an officer or g uard be allowed with a gun; however, having an officer with a gun would decrease the number of shootings and other minor problems at schools. Several people think having an officer with a gun will lead to negative consequences such as student having easy access to the guns. It is true that students will be closer to a gun, but this is an officer that has been trained and it is not easy as it seems to remove a gun from an officer. According to College Quest, â€Å"The training program generally lasts around 12 to 14Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gun Violence953 Words  | 4 Pages Gun Violence Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, â€Å"If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law.†(Browne-Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011,Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence911 Words  | 4 Pages Gun violence is the sign of a far greater universal problem in America today. Violence and gun violence specifically, is surrounded within, and spread all through every part of our society. All the reasons remain intimately related to the actual solution, which can only be a general solution one by treating it as one issue. The region that I live in is considered a peaceful part of Harvest, which I am particularly grateful about. I do not have to worry about gunfights in the roads of my communityRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence980 Words  | 4 Pagesourselves, but to victims of gun violence, these moments are familiar and very real. Gun violence is becoming too common in this country. So common, that when there is a shooting, people are unaffected by such news. There has been desire from the people of America to change gun policy, but there are also people that argue against this because it goes against our Second Amendment rights. Although there are reasonable arguments on behalf of and against more regulations on guns, more regulations and backgroundRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence797 Words  | 4 PagesGun Violence is found not only in our country, but around the world. Mental illness is a great connection to this very horrible topic we find . Knowing and understanding the importance of gun violence can help to save a life and also influence our generation to come. Knowing the correct information because of laws and rights should influence consequ ences that can be avoided more easily. Most of the gun violence in 1997 through 2012 was found, â€Å"in Blacksburg, Virginia (Virginia Tech); Tuscan, Arizona;Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1550 Words  | 7 PagesGun violence has run rampant in America. Due to this many Americans have this issue at the forefront of their minds. Everybody seems to think that they have the solution to this problem. The reality here is that the violence lies not in the gun, but in whomever carries out the act of using the gun in a violent manner. Many people fail to see this though, and think by removing guns completely from society the violence will cease. The people who take this side, are tired of innocent people being killedRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1238 Words  | 5 PagesJanuary 15th, 2013, created many new restrictions for gun owners and those looking to purchase guns. Perhaps the most controversial part of the ordeal was the hasty enactment of the law. Many dispute that it is an infringement on their constitutiona l rights. In addition, the State doesn t have the means to enact many parts of the law. The law assumes that restricting the physical guns will solve the issue of gun violence; however, the real issue is mental health, or rather the lack of sufficientRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1688 Words  | 7 Pagesnews we see news about senseless acts of violence and acts of terrorism. Countless families mourning the death of their loved ones because of violence that spreads like wildfire. All of the tragic incidents that have occurred recently have been due to the senseless act of gun violence. The events such as the Sandy Hook Massacre and the Orlando shooting have been centered on one object; a gun. Not only are these acts of terrorism a problem but the presence of guns in our everyday lives. The things weRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1249 Words  | 5 Pagesliving in a carefree world, it’s impossible but with the criminal justice system enacting laws to forbid illegal activity, crime has lessened nationwide. Several categories of crime such as guns, drugs, and organized crimes spark major concern. Crime has existed since human conscience was active. Gun violence is the illegal use of a firearm. Drug crimes are executed by one whom obtains, produces, and allots illegal substances. Organized crimes have several components, one that involves firearms,Read MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence Essay1802 Words  | 8 Pagesconversations of gun violence are increasing dramatically because of some homicide cases. Truly, the gun violence has been the one of biggest elements which threat both personal safety and national security in the United States. Website named Smartgunlaws.org stated that â€Å"Since 2015, the total number of incidents is 42,847; Number of deaths are 11,021; It is a really shocked statistics.†(Smartgunlaws.org,2012) It is a really shocked statistic that there are so many people died because of gun violence, but unfortunatelyRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence1984 Words  | 8 PagesProfessor Cassel English 1201- 27 October 2015 Gun Violence The United States is one of the few countries were the right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most violent with incidents involving guns this year reaching an estimated 36,212 and an approximate 9,050 deaths (â€Å"Gun Violence Archive†). There are an estimated 310 million firearms in households across American, these are only estimates because current gun laws do not require them to be registered
Friday, May 15, 2020
Ives Surname Meaning and Family History
The surname Ives is believed to have originated from the Old French personal name Ive (similar to the modern French Yves) or the Norman personal name Ivo, both short forms of various Germanic compound names containing the element iv, from the Old Norse yr, meaning yew, bow, a weapon generally made from the wood of a yew tree. Ives may also have originated as a last name for someone from a town named St. Ives, in the county of Huntingdon, England. Surname Origin: English, French Alternate Surname Spellings: YVES, IVESS Where in the World is the IVES Surname Found? The Ives surname is now most prevalent in the United States, according to surname distribution data from Forebears. However, it is interestingly the most common surname, based on its percentage of the population, in Gibraltar, followed by England and various island nations such as Bermuda. Despite its possible French origins, the Ives spelling is not at all common in France where only 182 people bear the surname. The Ives surname around the turn of the 20th century was most common in the United Kingdom, according to WorldNames PublicProfiler, specifically the South East and East Anglia regions of England. Within North America, Ives is most common in Ontario, Canada, followed by Nova Scotia and the U.S. states of Vermont and Connecticut. Famous People with the Last Name IVES Charles Ives - Pulitzer Prize-winning composer and pianistBurl Ives - American film actor and singer, best known for hits â€Å"Frosty the Snowman†and â€Å"The Blue Tail Fly.†Chauncey Bradley Ives - American sculptor in ItalyGeorge Frederick Ives - last surviving veteran of the Boer WarFrederic Eugene Ives - American inventor and pioneer in the field of color photography. Genealogy Resources for the Surname IVES Ives Family History BlogThis genealogy blog by William Ives covers the story of William Ives, co-founder of New Haven CT, and many of his descendants, as well as those who married into the family DNA Signature of William Ives (1607–1648)This published DNA signature is the result of the Y chromosome testing of 4 male known direct descendants, none of whom are closely related, of William. Common French Surnames and their MeaningsUncover the meaning of your French last name with this free guide to French surname meanings and origins. Trace Your Family Tree in England and WalesLearn how to research your English Ives ancestors with this introductory guide to genealogical records and resources of England and the rest of the United Kingdom. Ives Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as an Ives family crest or coat of arms for the Ives surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. FamilySearch - IVES GenealogyExplore over 700,000 historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Ives surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website, hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Ives Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the popular last name Ives from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Enron And The Gas Pipeline Industry - 772 Words
Expanding its business by utilizing its energy-trading model, Enron’s top executives fooled major financial institutions and accounting firms by hiding its losses from these new ventures within its financial statements. In the beginning, Enron was revolutionary in the gas pipeline industry, because it took advantage of the deregulated environment. As a result, Enron could ensure their customers, gas suppliers, consistent gas prices through hedging (Healy and Palepu 2). Enron’s success with this energy-trading model built its trustworthiness in the energy industry and beyond. Obviously, Enron proved its ability to successfully turn a profit with earnings of $979 million in 2000, which further instilled cognitive-based trust within its stakeholders (Healy and Palepu 1). Establishing itself as a progressive corporation, Enron sought to unload its heavy assets, such as pipelines, for lighter assets in the realm of the digital age. Furthermore, Enron management attracted the best employees to work for them by offering extremely generous salaries and bonuses. Another benefit of being an Enron employee was that Enron maintained a non-bureaucratic environment through committee-based employee performance evaluations (Healy and Palepu 4). Overall, Enron’s financial strength, cutting-edge ideas, and high-performing workforce established cognitive-based trust within its stakeholders. However, Enron’s executive management allowed hubris and greed to gain a foothold in its operations,Show MoreRelatedEnron And The Natural Gas Industry1542 Words  | 7 PagesEnron Background: Enron, based in Houston, Texas, was founded by Kenneth Lay as an energy and pipeline company in 1985 from the merger of two natural gas pipeline companies, Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. The impetus for Lay to start Enron was the deregulation of the natural gas market in the mid 1980’s, which relaxed the rules on natural gas prices and allowed for more flexible agreements between natural gas producers and pipeline managers. These changes essentially eliminated the practiceRead MoreExecutive Office Of Houston Natural Gas1689 Words  | 7 Pages Enron was created in 1985 when Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth merged together. Houston Natural Gas was a utility company based in Houston, Texas before being taken over by InterNorth. InterNorth was a very large energy company based out of Omaha, Nebraska. They specialized in natural gas pipelines, but also were successful in the plastic industry, coal and petroleum exploration and production. In the beginning Kenneth La y, who was the Chief Executive Office of Houston Natural Gas, becameRead More Enron Essay1056 Words  | 5 Pages In 1984 Ken Lay became chairman and Chief Operator of Houston Natural Gas. It quickly doubled when it bought Florida Pipeline Company. The next year in 1985 Houston Natural Gas merged Internorth Incorporation. With the merger they both combined to own around 40,000 miles of pipeline and shortly after they changed their name to Enron. Around that time Washington was being lobbied by energy corporations to deregulate business and let companies set their own prices. Energy companies said this wouldRead MoreThe Collapse Of Enron And Enron1736 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Fortune used to rank Enron as the most successful business in the United States. The collapse of Enron was shocked the whole world energy trading market. It caused significant losses to investors. In this paper shows analysis reason of factors that lead to Enron demise and also lessons can be learnt from Enron case study. The approach which have used in this paper to respond, the case study question are the background of the case organization and how business structure had been use by theRead More Energy Alternatives: Oil Essay1081 Words  | 5 Pagesmeasures are being taken in order to sustain this addiction for just a bit longer. This enters the Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection, which has startling information that aligns a bit of history prior to September 11. The mother of all oil support and scandal rests with Enron, however, without them, the US would see many years of reformation and struggles to find alternative energy resources. Enron had a $3 billion investment in the Dabhol, India power plant. Beginning in 1992, this project wasRead MoreEnrons Accounting Fraud1304 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION: Northern Natural Gas Company (the ancestor of ENRON) was established in 1930. In 1979, Inter North Inc. bought Northern Natural Gas Company and placed it under a new management. In the 1980s, the United States Congress passed legislation deregulating the sale of natural gas. At the beginning of the 1990s, Congress passed a similar legislation targeted at the sales of electricity. These steps launched a new era in the energy market, allowing companies like ENRON to prosper. In 1985, KennethRead MoreAccounting Scandals And Enron Accounting Scandal1596 Words  | 7 Pagesspecifically the Enron Accounting Scandal. First, I will be exploring the history of Enron. Then I will be going into further depth on what accounting issues Enron faced and then I will be explaining what a derivative is. Finally yet importantly, I will consider the different types of Accounting Fraud following a conclusion. Accounting Scandals are born due to collective greed and corporate arrogance. In the case of Enron there was a lot of euphoria before the downfall. Stock prices soared and Enron was seenRead MoreEnron And Its Innovative Growth1409 Words  | 6 PagesAuditing 301 January 7, 2017 Enron Scandal †¢ The rise of Enron and its innovative growth: After a merger in 1985, between two relatively small regional companies Houston Natural Gas Co., and InterNorth Incorporated, Enron Corp was formed. Enron Corporation became one of the biggest energy, and service company across the united states. Following this merger, Kenneth lay, who was at the time the CEO of Houston Natural Gas, also became the CEO of the newly formed Enron Corp. With his savvy skills alreadyRead MoreEnron Corporation : The Largest Energy Trading Essay1131 Words  | 5 PagesEnron Corporation is the largest energy-trading located in Houston, Texas. It was founded by Kenneth L. Lay in 1985. Enron has been form through the merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth Incorporation and initially named it as HNG/Inter-North Incorporation, before renames it as Enteron. In 1986, the company name has been shortened to Enron Corporation. At the beginning of the operation, Enron only involved in the transmission and distribution of electricity and gas throughout t he UnitedRead MoreCompany Into The Water Industry1432 Words  | 6 PagesShe decided to venture into the water industry with the existing expertise of natural gas that Enron had already acquired. She started the Wessex Water Co. which was headquartered in Bath, England. Enron purchased Wessex in July 1998 for a price slightly under $3 billion. The venture into the water industry was a good idea as water treatment requires a good deal of energy which was one of Enron’s specialties. Moreover the water industry was a regulated utility and the possibility of a deregulation
Sociology Internal Assessment - 2451 Words
Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment 2011 | Student Name: Kadeesha Rianna Alexander | | Class: Form Six (6) Upper Modern Studies | Centre Number: 160002Registration Number: 1600020930 | 4/28/2011 | | Table of Contents Introduction and Purpose of Research Literature Review Data Collection Sources Presentation of Findings Interpretation of Findings Discussion Conclusion/Limitations of the Research/Recommendations Bibliography Appendices Introduction A.S.J.A. Girls’ College, San Fernando started off as a school where students gained entry on a private level and was located at†¦show more content†¦Like Durkheim, Malinoski (1954) see religion as reinforcing social norms and values and promoting social solidarity. Conversely, he does not see religion as reflecting a society as a whole and its rituals as the worship of society. He believes that emotional stress for example, death, threatens social solidarity and anxiety and tension tend to disrupt social life. * In Tischler (2004) from the Conflict Theory Perspective, Karl Marx stated that the dominant ideas of each age have always been the ideas of the ruling class hence; the dominant religion of the society is that of the ruling class. He states that religion of the society is that of the ruling class. He states that religion is a tool used by the upper class to control the minds of the lower class. He referred to it as the â€Å"opiate of the masses†which t ranslates that religion keeps conformity to the ruling class by making opposition to the laws of the ruling class seems religiously immoral. Reference could be made to political or religious leaders that teach their followers to show contentment with â€Å"eating little and living long†whilst they are satisfied with extravagant living obtained from the hard work and pockets of the poorer masses. However, the ruling class does not have full power over the working class since they may not always obey the laws. Like the Marxist, Caribbean sociologists share different views about religion and its functions since the society isShow MoreRelatedWhat is Psychology?925 Words  | 4 Pageshealth psychology, neuropsychology, counseling psychology or occupational psychology etc. However, clinical psychology and counseling psychology are the two main aspects which focusing on emotional problems. Clinical Psychology is mainly focusing on assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. It often works in a medical setting. However, Clinical psychologists are not doctors as they cannot provide medicine service for patients. Beside mental health, clinical psychologists alsoRead MoreOrganizational behavior1577 Words  | 7 Pagesto the existing organizational environment. The concept applies in a diverse workplace setting in different ways and had diverse impacts to the organization. Organizational behavior field includes communication, sociology, psychology, and management. The concept is subject to both internal and external factors affecting the organization. The formula for success in business as noted by Millstein et al. (1998, p.7) requires two elements including the external environment and the individual. Major scholarsRead MoreOld Age And Aging : Conclusion From The Berlin Aging Study1222 Words  | 5 Pagesabout old age and aging and in contras t using new questions and findings from BASE, the correct response was revealed. Additionally, these findings were classified in line with the different related main disciplines –Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Psychiatry, Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy. They examined whether certain groups of older people or patterns of aging can be distinguished. Finally, in the light of BASE findings, they considered whether current images of old age are too positiveRead MoreThe Concept of Sociological Perspective of Deviance Essays1127 Words  | 5 Pagessociety; deviance in sociology can be viewed as criminal or non-criminal. Those violations can vary from ones participation in alcoholism, excessive gambling, public nudity, arson (playing with fire), theft, lying, and refusal to maintain proper hygiene (refusal to bathe). Other acts of deviance can include; prostitution and engaging in sexual activity with members of the same sex. Because ones behavior can be determined as a crime from one society to another; understanding sociology allows a better understandingRead MoreTeaching Theories Within The Classroom980 Words  | 4 Pagesher own views on the different teaching theories within the classroom. There are several circumstances that will be discussed in this paper such as purpose of schooling, nature of learners, curriculum, instructional methods, classroom management, assessment practices and professional relationships with family and community. These are based off of research and philosophy of special education of the author’s beliefs. Purpose of Schooling The purpose of schooling is to allow students to be more awareRead MoreAnalysis Of The Roy Adaptation Model ( Ram ) Essay1498 Words  | 6 Pagestheorist. Sister Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN currently holds the position of professor and nursing theorist at Boston College Connell School of Nursing. Roy held master’s degrees in pediatric nursing and sociology at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and also held doctoral degree in sociology. She completed post doc in neuroscience at University of California, San Francisco (Boston College Connell School of Nursing, 2016). Roy is well-known and most highly recognized a living nurse theoristRead MoreBackground Of Roy Adaptation Model ( Ram )1495 Words  | 6 Pagestheorist. Sister Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN currently holds the position of professor and nursing theorist at Boston College Connell School of Nursing. Roy held master’s degrees in pediatric nursing and sociology at University of California, Los Ange les (UCLA), and also held doctoral degree in sociology. She completed post doc in neuroscience at University of California, San Francisco (Boston College Connell School of Nursing, 2016). Roy is well-known and most highly recognized a living nurse theoristRead MoreSOCIOLOGY IA Final Kill2756 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Sociology Internal Assessment Name: Jevene Thomas Candidate Registration #: 100032 School Center: Ewarton High School School Center #: 100032 Territory: Jamaica Date Submitted: March 2015 Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Scott – Jackson Table of contents CHAPTER PAGE Acknowledgement II Introduction 1 – 2 Statement of Problem 3 Aim and Objectives 4 Literature Review 5 – 6 Research Design 7 Sample Selection 8 Data collection instrument 9 Presentation of Data 10 – 14 Analysis of Data 15 - 16 Finding 17 DiscussionRead MoreSample Resume : Nursing Theory1337 Words  | 6 Pagesaccordingly. Nursing theory can change nursing practice in all fields of nursing. ​Sister Callista Roy is an admired nursing theorist in the world today. Roy was born in Los Angeles, California in 1939. She earned various degrees nursing as well as in sociology. She worked as a staff nurse and in administration for many years, she later joined the faculty within the university and served as department chair. Sister Roy is best known for developing the Roy Adaptation Model as a framework for theory and practiceRead MoreInternational Accounting1598 Words  | 7 Pagestutes and assessment co-ordinated Recording of lectures - 2 hours Lectures each week (12 weeks + 1 review on week 13) - 90 minutes Tutorial each week –†¯ Discussion of weekly assignment and questions from previous week s lecture topic –†¯ Case Study †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Oral presentations (2/3 students each tutorial) †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Judgement and Decision Making tasks (all students are expected to provide a written proof during the tutorial) AYB 311 - Dr Amedeo Pugliese Overview of AYB311: the assessment Assessment –†¯ Case
Business Analysis Valuation Managerial Financial Statements
Question: Discuss about the Business Analysis Valuation : Managerial Financial Statements. Answer: In this report a study has been prepared on the cost and profit structure of Tangam Dairies Ltd Tangam Dairies Ltd reflects that if it is going to accept this new project then it would increase the sales units in the market by 200% after five years. However, the overall interest on capital for purchasing new machine $ 2, 00, 00. It reflects that company will have return more than its cost of capital which will surely increase the value of organizations. Tangam Dairies Ltd has estimated that it will increase its overall sales by 200% after five years. In addition to this, net profit of company will also increased by 900% due to less price and increase turnover (Healy Palepu, 2012). After analyzing the cost structure and capital investment decision of organization, it is observed that Tangam Dairies Ltd will have return on its capital employed more than its cost of capital. This shows that company will surely create value on its investment by increasing overall turnover of organization (Hirschey, 2008). References Healy, P.M. Palepu, K.G. (2012).Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements. Cengage Learning. Hirschey, M. (2008).Fundamentals of Managerial Economics.9thed. Mason: Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
IT Project Consumer Electronics
Question: Discuss about the IT Projectfor Consumer Electronics. Answer: Introduction to Ethical ICT Globalization has brought to us various benefits and we can all relate to the term digital convergence. Digital convergence is the term used for the conglomerate of four industry i.e. telecommunication, entertainment, consumer electronics and information technologies. But on the flip side, there are various negative societal, legal and ethical issues which are persisting which are direct result and output of the digital convergence and globalization. There are various issues which are raised and includes matters such as right to intellectual property, the right of accessing information, and also the privacy rights, etc. in Wagga Wagga, Australia (Millar, Udalov, Millar, 2012). The ICT help us in collecting and spreading information and thus as we have the basic right to live we also have the basic right to access it. With the emergence of digital technology, we have seen the violations such as cybercrime, privacy invasion, digital divide and digital security in parts such as Wagga W agga, Albury, Grifth in Australia. But on the brighter side ICT has enabled us to take up things which could never imagine was possible (McLean, 2011). Source - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-en_b24lCkGDt_TMo6rnxEAxfeku8SJg1sZiEsA-45cfrdci3mQBG4Y_YP5FLsWO_I6Qv3OlbnjOcyB7zndj09K4G3C-L5jqso-V18Ds4NEAHgzUCvZZ_wceYoH1J0PyuYraNsqmfL6bJ/s259/computer_ethics.JPG We might be able to distinguish between what is right and what is not. But it is that tough to act on the right things as it is quite difficult to determine the right things and at on them. There are instances when we think why we should be the one taking care of the ethics where others simply get away with unethical means such as using copied music files or software (Oosterlaken van den Hoven, 2011). The computer is one such thing which does put people in an ethical dilemma where the operator does have to face such a situation which they never came across. The basic principles of ethics do help us take proper decisions when we come across these tricky dilemmas. Ethical guidelines help us in thinking through varied options. Thus it does help us to have greater responsibility as well as more control over the content ownership while using someone elses system instead of our own (Kostakos Ferreira, 2015). The Australian government is well concerned about the matter and thus are keen o n undertaking strict steps regarding it. References Kostakos, V. Ferreira, D. (2015). The Rise of Ubiquitous Instrumentation.Frontiers In ICT,2. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fict.2015.00003 McLean, A. (2011). Ethical frontiers of ICT and older users: cultural, pragmatic and ethical issues.Ethics And Information Technology,13(4), 313-326. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10676-011-9276-4 Millar, C., Udalov, Y., Millar, H. (2012). The Ethical Dilemma of Information Asymmetry in Innovation: Reputation, Investors and Noise in the Innovation Channel.Creativity And Innovation Management,21(2), 224-237. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8691.2012.00642.x Oosterlaken, I. van den Hoven, J. (2011). Editorial: ICT and the capability approach.Ethics And Information Technology,13(2), 65-67. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10676-011-9270-x
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