Thursday, November 28, 2019

No Remorse free essay sample

Thinking twice before acting can be wise, but can also make us lose unique opportunities. Because of that, Id rather regret the things I have done than the things that I havent, and that makes me a person who moves. One of the biggest moves I’ve made so far was studying abroad. Spending one year in a foreign country, speaking a new language, living with an unknown family, being away from family and friends, and yet having no direct reward from that can be seen by many as a crazy and scary experience. But for me it looks completely reasonable, and it’s been the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m learning a lot about the American culture, seeing places I would never see, making a lot of new friends from all over the world, and becoming part of a lovable family. Even though some say doing an exchange is a loss of time, I can already feel how important it is. We will write a custom essay sample on No Remorse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, my main objective coming here was to improve my English, and it’s happening every day. This â€Å"loss of time† will be overwhelmed by my personal growth in the end of this year. And the fact that I will be late, finishing school at the age of 19, doesn’t bother me. Actually, this year is exactly the opposite of â€Å"lost.† It’s my last chance to have a time off to rest and think about my future, while all my friends are already worried about going to college and entering the adult life. This exchange is an â€Å"once-in-a-lifetime† experience, and nothing will make me regret it. But being one who moves is not only about facing big challenges. It’s also about adopting an everyday behavior that makes my relationships better. Like doing house chores without being asked, helping a friend with a lesson at school, or even just saying a sincere â€Å"hi, how are you?† instead of an meaningless â€Å"what’s up?† Those moves I described are important to myself and to people I know, but I still have to improve in making bigger moves that will help more people, like doing a volunteer work. This way I will feel that my actions are making a meaningful difference in the world around me. But since every endeavor to do good counts, I’m in the right path to keep being a person who moves.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 2 Essay Example

Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 2 Essay Example Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 2 Paper Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 2 Paper The scene opens with Romeos glorifying monologue to Juliets beauty. Romeos many comparisons of Juliet to the sun, stars and heavens, suggest that he is looking upwards, and that Juliet appears at an upstairs window. The images of bright light that he uses to describe her: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun! or Two of The fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return. , show Romeos unqualified love for Juliet. The images of bright light are represented differently in the many versions in which the film has been shot. Meanwhile in the older versions of the shakespearean tragedy the only really bright light is represented by the moon, that alone shines omnipotent over the scene, giving it a unique touch, in the newer versions this characteristic is represented in a more modern and extravagant way. The small lights attached to the orchard, that Romeo climbs to reach Juliets balcony, and the underwater lightning when the two lovers fall into the swimming pool manage to give a similiar effect of romance to the one that characterised the scene in the past versions. The underwater camera view creates a surrealistic and exremely romantic effect. The wetness is another determining factor in the scene. After falling into the pool the two caracters are obviously soaked. Wetness has always symbolized sexuality and wildness, this image is probably connected to the fact, that when hair is wet it loses its original shape and becomes uncontrollable, also the feature that Juliet is wearing a see through dress increases the sense of sexual tension. Romeo as well as comparing her to images of light, describes her as a source of light itself. When she first speaks, he uses religious images of adoration, comparing her to an angel, a winged messenger of heaven, upon whom mortals fall back to gaze in wonder. Romeo had previously described Juilet with religious imagery; when they met at the ball, he describes her as a holy shrine. This, once more, indicates the deepness of Romeos love for Juliet, a love that is gradually turning into idolatry. Romeo is so caught up in his feelings that he doesnt care anymore for his security. The religious imagery is primarily represented by the clothes Juliet is wearing: the white dress and the silk wings give us a picture of Juliet being no longer a human being but more of a godess descended on earth. Also her standing on a balcony, a level above Romeo, reinforces this image. There is a big contrast between the two characters: Romeo dressed up as a knight and having risked his life to come and see Juliet, just as a knight would risk his life for his king, and Juliet being so innocent and angelic, delighted by Romeos visit. Juliets admission of love prompts Romeo to reveal himself, and to declare the hate for his name: Call me but love, and Ill be new baptised: Henceforth I never will be Romeo. Romeo is prepared to forget his past as a Montague, and betray his family s name and therefore his family too. In those times when the family honour was a very important part of ones personality, a statement such as this one could only signify true dedication and worship towards his love for Juliet. As she discovers him hiding in the orchard, her first excalamtion is one of fear for his safety;: How camst thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here. But Romeo dismisses the danger. Neither stone walls nor Capulet kinsmen can prevent his love: With loves light wings did I oerperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt: Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me. Juliets love and the cover of the night protect him. In an image which will recur dramatically in his final speech in the play, Romeo compares himself to a sea-voyager driven to seek Juliets love, even if it were at the very ends of earth: I am no pilot, yet wert thou as far as that vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I should adventure for such merchandise. We can clearly see the difference in language use, between the two characters; on one hand there is Romeos insatiable romance which always seems to have the answer to Juliet enquiries, on the the other hand there is Juilets simple and direct speech. Juliet, unlike Romeo, is incapable of fully enjoying these brief moments with her lover, continuously worrying about being caught in the wrong. Romeo in this scene demonstrates that he possesses an immense courage, supported from his blind love for Juliet, he doesnt seem to care about the kinsmen that are patroling the building, and hes living these moments to the full. Once more we see how Romeo idolizes Juliet. He possesses the courage that only one who is protected by his god would have. In the video the contrast between the two characters attitude and language, is represented rather more by their actions than by their speech. Meanwhile, Juliet is terrorized by the idea of him been caught, Romeo doesnt care about his security. In fact when he and Juliet fall into the swimmimg pool, he jumps up shouting his love for her, at which point a guard gets suspicious and comes to check, and Romeo is close to getting discovered. Even though this moment in which Romeo is close to being caught, he is still unworried towards the situation, and completely focused on Juliet. Her questions and enquiries are suffocated by Romeos kisses and romantic attitude. Romeos mind is like flying towards other planets and dimensions, and does not understand Juliets reluctance and timidity towards his attitude. When Juliet manages to separate herself from Romeo, he explicitly claims not to be satisfied enough: O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied? , referring in a double sense to Juliets lack of sensuality. Juliet admits embarassement at being overheard telling of her love. She rejects formal ways of speaking and behaving : farewell compliment, and asks Romeo directly if he loves her. She pleads for him to answer truthfully: pronounce faithfully, admitting she declared her own love for him unaware of his presence. She begs him not to swear by the moon, which is changeable and inconstant, but only by himself. This is a metaphor comparing Romeos love changes to the changes of the moon; before Romeo fell in love Juliet, he was already in love with another woman, Rosaline, which was immediately forgetten at the first sight of Juliet. She is afraid that Romeo would forget her just asquickly as he fell in love with her. Suddenly fearful, she sees their instant falling in love as too rash, too unadvised. It may prove as brief as a lightining flash, over as quickly as it began. In reply to Romeos anxious questions why she wishes to withdraw her vow of love and offer it again, Juliet uses simple but profoundly eloquent language to express the never-ending quality of her love for him: My bounty is as a boundless sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee The more I have, for both are infinite . Juliet is the one to make the practical arrangements for the marriage, since Romeo is still dreaming about the time spent together. Before the two lovers separate themselves, Juliet uses a peculiar and very contradictory type of imagery to describe her feelings for Romeo, comparing herself to a playful girl and Romeo to her bird, which she lets free for a bit but then takes back because she cant live without him: I would have thee gone; And yet no farther than a wantons bird, that lets it hop a little from her hand, like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, and with a silk thread plucks it back again, so loving jealous of his liberty. This reflects the relationship between the two lovers; Juliet does not have the freedom that the bird, Romeo, has and has to let him go, but only for a bit, until they can meet again. And she is jealous of the freedom that a bird has, in fact Romeo wishes she was a bird so that she could have the freedom, and the possibility to live to the full her love with Romeo: I would I were thy bird. Juliet has played the dominant role in this scene ( she speaks twice as many lines as Romeo), it is her farewell that often remains in the audiences mind as the memorable expression of loverss leave taking. She leaves with an oxymoron that encapsulates the conflicts of the play and its joys and heartaches: Parting is such a sweet sorrow. Juliet on her first appearence appears submissive, modest, almost tongue-tied. She has little to say, and seems to respect her mothers authority. But this 13 year-old girl, superficially conventional and demure, rapidly matures in her meetings with Romeo. She allowes him to kiss her only moments after their first meeting, and in this scene she seems to take the lead, speaking twice as many times as Romeo. Shes the one who proposes the marriage, and does so the very next day. Critics tende to idealise Juliet and her love for Romeo. They describe her as charmingly innocent, but frank and courageous. Romeo appears first as a stock figure of romance: the moody young lover who is rejected by an unattainable woman. He is seen as the abject slave of a sadistic godess, he seems more in love with love than with an actual person. This scene is very important for the understanding of the whole play, as in it there are contained images and metaphors that encapsulate essential meanings of the play. Already from the beginning of the tragedy, expressions such as: star-crossed lovers, referring to the realtionship between Romeo and Juliet, give an idea on the course of the play. In the video version, directed by Baz Lurhman, an important metaphor is represented: when the two lovers fall into the swimming pool, their state of being is a comparison to their relationship: gradually their love is gettin uncontrolled and soon it will become impossible to manage, just like a person is not able to completely manage their movements in a swimming pool, where they dont touch. How the scene was adapted in the modern version, is probably more significative for us, as the type of atmosphere approaches more our ideal of love and romance, also it highlights meanings and images that would be difficult to interpretate in the older versions of the play.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Case Study Example The second one, to change consumer habits, is a very effective strategy for any product because it has the potential to drive sales. It is very important to understand the consumer patterns and lifestyles and then introduce break-through ideas. PC-Build attempts to begin that trend of becoming knowledgeable and adept, so as the need for a technician is eliminated. It will also promote the concept of empowerment. The third one is that there is very limited competition in the market and this is very valuable piece of the picture as this provides clear cut proof that the business has potential to cover that portion of the market that has been sidelined and is therefore untapped. A very strong argument that supports the case of PC-Build as a business opportunity is that the timing and market is ripe for it. This can be analyzed in terms of both competition and pricing. The competition is not only very limited but also ‘sleepy’ according to the case study. The market leader, Heathkit, provides low quality products at high prices and is also dormant on national advertising. ATS provides high quality but supplies Apple which constitutes a small portion of the market. PC-Build aims to enter in the market through the education camps and this is a healthy strategy as this would avoid direct contact with competition and give PC-Build more time to establish its equity. In terms of market, the main target audience is home hobbyists or education centers. Total penetration is very low and this presents a unique opportunity to earn profits. Moreover, given the environment and computer literacy, the market is only expected to grow and a beneficial element is that there are two markets that can balance off each other: home hobbyists and education centers. The pricing is another strong element. This is because lack of competition ensures that the business can avoid price

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Critical Discussion about British Airways and Its Entry into Central Essay - 1

A Critical Discussion about British Airways and Its Entry into Central and Eastern European markets proposal - Essay Example In aviation industry however entering new markets is not easy as airlines need a lot of permissions to fly to their preferred destinations. For domestic routes, an airline gets a national license by the regulatory authority. For international flights, the regulatory authorities of all involved countries have to permit the course and destination. For expansion purpose if an airline to operate from out of a host country, like a multinational it also has to decide a suitable entry mode. Majority of the airlines prefer equity participation in existing airlines, or through mergers and acquisitions. In this paper, the opportunities for British Airways (BA) will be studied for entering the East European Market. Earlier this market was closed but now the airlines like British airways have the option to join this market. Aims & Objectives Eastern Europe has gone through an economic policy change. It is now a free economy and thus now it is possible for the West European and other airlines to enter this market for profitable business ventures. This paper aims to research and find for British Airways a suitable market entry mode. The scope of this research will be to find the best options and to figure out the best one. Here are the aims and objectives of this research: 1. To understand Mergers and Acquisitions: Although East Europe is now a free market, however, every country has its own set of compulsions which any new entrant in the market has to face and which might act as a hurdle in establishing business in such a region. Mergers and Acquisitions can only work for the benefit of trade if both parties joining hands have common synergies. This brings us to the point where understanding Mergers and acquisition becomes very important. This is to be done especially in the light of existing political and economic conditions of the market we plan to enter. 2. To discover the cultural and knowledge base of the region to be explored to see if British airways can tackle them successfully or not. In the long run, investment in any country is not only a financial investment. The culture and environment also play their own very significant role in business success. 3. To evaluate competencies and internal strength of British Airways. This will help show if Mergers and Acquisitions or Joint ventures can be the best solution to entry in east Europe for British Airways. 4. To discover the capability of new venture to be able to merge seamlessly with the global operations of British Airways. This is to be done with special focus on technology. 5. To study customer requirements and needs in Eastern Europe where cost will act as a deciding factor. Literature Review: British Airways is targeting new markets and to enter a new market as an airline, a lot of factors are to be considered. As per (Hill et al, 1990) the four motivation factors include market seeking, resource seeking, efficiency seeking and strategic resource seeking. When the opportunities in home ma rket appear to be limited, the companies in any of the markets and industries have to look for newer options in the markets outside the home zone. On 25 August 2009 the British Airways celebrated its 90th anniversary. The origins of one of the most profitable airlines can be traced back to the birth of civil aviation, the days after the World War 1. Air travel has changed beyond one’s imagination since the first scheduled air service on 25 August 1919. The day the world’s first commercial passenger air service from Hounslow Heath, Middlesex to Paris in August 1919 by British Airways’ forerunner company Air Transport & Travel was no ordinary day. It was a historic

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparing Human Resource Management in Multinational and Local Essay

Comparing Human Resource Management in Multinational and Local Companies in Hong Kong - Essay Example Moreover, there is a clear difference in how it is executed. All employees from the American company were divided into different groups, and in order to ensure efficient management of the employees, a manager was assigned to each group. The company also had a data base where each individual's sales performance and feedback from customers was encoded and saved. In these instances, in terms of employee performance, employees within the group were also allowed to put in their opinion of their colleagues. Using numerical totals from the database, an evaluation on how each person has been performing could easily be established. Moreover, the interesting part of this database is on how customers’ feedback was also accounted for in the overall evaluation of the employees. The fact that the employees formed groups to monitor one another was very much in keeping with the findings of Bjorkman (2003) on Chinese companies’ putting greater emphasis on team work. The Swiss company al so showed traces of an Appraisal system in place. They also went through a performance evaluation process for their employees. They mostly divided their staff into two groups: first, the lower level staff which were general operational staff, and second, the other staff which were usually higher level employees. The lower level staff usually underwent a two-way communication process using the Preference Evaluation (PE) form. Employees would then set objectives at the beginning of the year, with fulfillment of the objectives monitored throughout the year. By the end of the year, their managers usually evaluated the individuals by assessing whether or not they have achieved their objectives. A performance rating also followed the assessment. Among higher level staff, they also underwent a similar evaluation process, however, the review was called performance cycle, and was usually done through an online tool. These individuals also set objectives at the beginning of the year and were then monitored throughout the year. The difference in these two groups of employees is that towards the end of the year, there was a performance calibration session conducted by the managers on the employees. Such a session was not carried out on managers. This session consisted of an open forum where the managers discussed employee performance and then agree on a performance rating for each employee. This allowed a more unbiased evaluation of the employees. It also created a chance for cross department discussions and the sharing of opinions among these departments. In contrast, employees from the Hong Kong Company revealed that their company was using a more traditional appraisal system. Managers evaluated employees’ attitude in the workplace, and took into account the number of times each employee was late for work or if their work was done on time. The Hong Kong company does not have an evaluation system like the other two companies, and the employees’ evaluation i s mainly based on their performance and the perception of their managers. The Swiss company’s evaluating system shares some similarities with the American company. They both have a database for the easy evaluation of their employees. They also have groups which help with the evaluation process and which help illuminate the probability of bias. Both companies have traces of HR practices from the East and the

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Safety Of Seafarers Going To Sea Engineering Essay

The Safety Of Seafarers Going To Sea Engineering Essay This report aims to educate readers about the safety of seafarers going to sea and the possible dangers that they face. The report will also elaborate about the ongoing issues and measures taken to ensure the safety of the seafarers. Marine Industry has been a major platform for investment and income since the ancient times. Seafarers face possible dangers from collision of ships, fire and weather conditions. Therefore, the casualties onboard a ship have been increasing due to lack of awareness towards safety on board the ship. The International Maritime Organisation( IMO) took steps to prevent such disasters from happening. Rules have been set up to make sure the equipments onboard the ship are up to date, certified and are regularly inspected. Workers onboard must be well trained in the safety aspects. According to the International Maritime Organisation(2009),ship safety is a subject that is currently receiving high attention by most countries. The International Maritime Organisation(2009) said that this was due to a number of serious vessel casualties that have occurred in recent years. 1.3 Methodology The information for this report was obtained from the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 edition, reference books, research about shipping companies and the internet. Case studies were taken from online news articles. 1.4 Scope As there are many possibilities that could happen onboard a ship, this report will investigate solely about the possible cause of fire at sea, preventive measures, consequences of fire, actual events that took place due to fire, types of fire and much more. 2.Fire Hazards onboard the Ship 2.1 Causes of Fire According to John G. Antherson (2000),the causes of fire on a ship arent a lot different than the causes of fires in any urban setting. As there are electrical circuits onboard the ship, there is a chance for an electrical fire is to occur. Machinery onboard a ship can get hot when its operating. An overheating bearing could cause a fire.(John G. Antherson 2000) Ships uses combustion systems to generating steam, and internal combustion engines are used generate electricity. These combustion system will get very hot and can cause a fire.(John G. Antherson 2000) Closed machinery spaces and the volatility of fuel, lubricants and hydraulic fluids around the hot machinery can lead to a fire or an explosion. A collision at sea could initiate a fire. The galley where food is prepared is another fire hazard on board a ship.(John G. Antherson 2000) During ship repairing, metal cutting and welding equipment is carried and used to faulty equipment. Sparks from this equipments could also start a fire. There are some more possible ways fires could be started. Fire hazards in the cabin could also cause fire to occur. An article (Anon: Fires In Ships 2002) states that careless smoking is the main cause of fires in ships. In one case scenario, sixteen Chinese nationals have been taken to the hospital after a fire broke out in their ship(APL Columbia) at port Botany on 5 January 2010.A crew member onboard the 45,000 tonne APL Columbia(IMO:9252242) noticed a fire in his cabin about 1.30am.The man tried to put out the fire but was unsuccessful.The crew members had suffered from smoke inhalation and the fire was put out about 5.30 am using the ships own firefighting equipment. In another case scenario, a fire broke out in the engine room. A Maersk container ship (Maersk Duffield) crossed Brisbanes Moreton Bay with its engine room on fire and the Emergency Management Queensland helicopter is en route to assist. One crew member required treatment. Shipping Database,2009-2010[Online] Available from: [Accessed 31 January 2010] Figure 1 [International Maritime Statistics Forum 2007 p.g 15] Figure 2 [International Maritime Statistics Forum 2007 p.g 16] According to the chart ( figure 1) made by the Maritime Institute in Gdansk(2007), most fire accidents occur during ship repairs. Fire caused from ship repairs take up 79.3% of most fire accidents in their case study. Meanwhile, figure 2 showed that 24.11% of fire occurring on board a ship is located at the Cargo holds and tanks. 2.2 Classes of Fire There are 4 types of fire that might occur onboard a ship. There are Class A , Class B , Class C and Class D fires. The U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service(2007) said that Ordinary combustible fires are the most common type of fire, and are designated under Class A fire . These occur when a solid, organic material such as wood, cloth, rubber, or plastic become heated to their flash point and ignite. This class of fire is fairly simple to combat and contain .According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 2008),the most common way to do this is by spraying the burning material with water, oxygen can also be removed by smothering the fire with foam from a fire extinguisher. Meanwhile, flammable liquid are categorized under Class B fire. The National Fire Protection Association(2008) reports that this fire follow the same basic fire tetrahedron (heat, fuel, oxygen, chemical reaction) as ordinary combustible fires, except that the fuel in question is a flammable liquid such as gasoline, or gas such as natural gas. An efficient way to extinguish a liquid or gas fueled fire is to disrupt the chemical chain reaction of the fire, which is done by dry chemical and Halon extinguishing agents. According to an extract from Industrial Hygiene and Information Management (2008): ESH Manual Chapter 40, Hazardous Materials, class D fire are fires that are caused by flammable or combustible metals. Examples given by the ESH manual Chapter 40, Hazardous Materials, of such metals are titanium , sodium ,magnesium, potassium, uranium and calcium. Generally, metal fire risks occur when sawdust, machine shavings and other metal are present. These fires can be ignited by the same types of ignition sources that would start other common fires. Wikipedia, Fire Classes [Online] Available from: [Accessed 1 February 2010] A crew onboard a fishing vessel said that If a fire was to start onboard a ship, crew members onboard must know what type of fire it is. If a wrong extinguisher or method is being used, the fire might spread even more. ( Florida Sport Fishing Crew 2002) 3. Consequences of fire 3.1 Loss of Revenue and Marine Environment The International Maritime Organisation (2009) said that most accidents onboard a ship will result in a loss of revenue. Cargos onboard a ship might be damaged and millions of dollars worth of cargos and resources will be affected. Fire onboard a tanker ship will have a high chance of causing an explosion and fuel leaked into the sea will cause water pollution and that will affect the marine environment. Thousands of dollar will be used to clean up the oil spill. A case study given by the Port State Information exchange (2006) was that of Hyundai Fortune where an accidental fire broke out on 21st March 2006. The combined cost of the ship and damaged cargo is estimated at over 300 million US dollars. According to an online article by Brisbane Times, oil spill clean-up can be rather costly. In a case study by the article, an insurer of a Hong Kong-based cargo ship had to foot the bill for a 20 tonnes of diesel fuel into waters off Stradbroke Island. Authorities announced that the estimated cost of the clean-up will reach about $100,000 a day and take seven days to complete. Daniel Hurst 2009 , Oil spill clean-up to cost $100,000 a day[Online] Brisbane times Available from: [Accessed on 7th February 2010] 3.2 Political Fallout Political fallout might also occur if swift action is not taken. Political fallout will cause the reputation of the government or authority to be at stake.(M.Masellis and S.W.A.  Gunn 1992) The disasters that occur within the Maritime Industries can be used as an example for opposition parties to blame the government and this might change the mindset of the society towards the government. According to an online article by BBC news, an oil well in the Timor Sea off the north-west coast of Australia caught fire. The oil rig had been leaking oil and marine fire fighters were struggling for ten weeks to stop the leak. The National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority had been called out to help combat the fire and other teams such as the Geoscience Australia and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority were on standby. However, an opposition spokesman accused the Environment Minister of Australia of doing nothing to stop the oil leak. BBC News 2009 , Australia well catches fire [Online] Available from: 3.3 Human Casualties Accidents onboard a ship will also cause human casualties to occur. Fire especially will be life threatening onboard a passenger ship and it will cause chaos and panic among passengers. ( L.M. Collins 1999) A good way to ensure that human life is not lost is for the crew and passengers to follow instructions given by the Captain. If the passengers follow the instructions swiftly, they will be able to escape from the ship safely.( L.M. Collins 1999) One of the major events that had many human casualties was that of RMS Titanic. According to David G , Titanic was struck by an iceberg and sank in two hours and forty minutes on 15 April 1912. The sinking of the Titanic resulted in 1517 deaths out of the 2223 people on board. The high casualty rate was due to the fact that the ship was not carrying enough lifeboats for everyone onboard. Brown, David G. (2000). The Last Log of the Titanic. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0071364471. Most fire cases are quickly dealt with and the only losses that the crew face are the cargos or raw materials onboard. Up to this day, passenger ship have not faced any fire incidents that resulted in major human casualties. 4.Fire Safety Measures 4.1 Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) M.  Masellis and S.W.A.  Gunn(1992) said that fire casualties on ships lead almost certainly to disastrous results because of the limited and isolated areas of the vessels and the lack of immediate and easy access for the rescue team. Preventive measures are therefore much more effective in the effort to avoid such casualties than rescue and fire-extinguishing procedures or devices. [Marine fire casualties in merchant ships: the Greek statistics 1992 Available from:] In 1914, The International Maritime Organisation had a convention among international leaders and maritime leaders to talk about maritime safety. Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS). There have been many versions of SOLAS adopted by the International Maritime Organisation but the present version was adopted in 1974 and entered into force in 1980.The SOLAS conventions have all covered many aspects of safety at sea. The convention in 1914 included chapters on safety of navigation, construction, fire protection and life-saving appliances.(International Maritime Organisation 2009) This shows that the International Maritime Organisation is constantly trying to find ways to improve the aspects of safety at sea to ensure the safety of seafarers life by introducing the Safety Of Life at Sea(SOLAS) and updating it. 4.2 Fire Safety Test and Safety Equipment One of the fire safety measures is to conduct fire safety test for the ship. Fire safety of ships is an extremely important area. Before any material can be used onboard a ship, it must have successfully passed strict tests and have been certified for use. This is to ensure that the material or equipment does not pose a fire hazard onboard the ship. (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden 2008) Another safety measure is to install safety equipments on the ship. Equipments such as fire extinguisher, sprinkler system , gas monitor and other safety equipments are being implemented. The International Maritime Organisation(IMO) is taking steps to introduce new and more sophisticated equipments onboard the ships. IMO hope to reduce the amount of accidents from occurring onboard the ship and will rely on this new equipments to combat the problem more efficiently. 4.3 Service of ships and Equipments According to The Safety of Life At Sea 1974 edition, the ship and its safety equipments have to undergo service once every few years. Safety equipments include components that can deteriorate over time. Therefore, this can decrease the effectiveness of the equipment. Examples of such equipments stated in the Safety Of Life At Sea 1974 edition (SOLAS) are fire extinguishers, EPIRBs, flares, life jackets, life rafts and smoke signals. Servicing of the equipment must be done by the manufacturer or an authorised agent by the expiry date. The expiry date must be clearly marked on the equipment. Most life raft needs to be serviced every two or three years. Equipment that cannot be serviced or no longer works must be replaced if it is to be carried as part of the safety equipment onboard the ship.(The International Maritime Organisation 2009) In the event that an emergency were to occur and the safety equipments were to be faulty as they were not sent for servicing, the manufacturer should not be blamed as the expiry date have been stated clearly on the equipment. It is the duty of the crew onboard and its owner to send the equipments for servicing once the expiry date is over. According to the IMO 2009, maintenance and inspections of equipments must be recorded to provide objective evidence that these work have been carried out according to the manufacturers instructions. 4.4 Proper training for the crew According to the Maritime Port Authority Singapore(MPA) 2010, Seafarers working on board a ship must have the valid certification or endorsements. In Singapore, these are issued by the Training Standards Department of MPA. Seafarers working on board a ship are required to have a valid Certificate of Competency (CoC) or endorsement, which comply with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). The crew must also be well trained in fire fighting and First Aid. Those who wish to work onboard a ship must have an Advance Fire Fighting Course certificate and Elementary First Aid certificate as well before they are qualified to work onboard (Maritime Port Authority Singapore 2010). The crew will also conduct regular safety drills after each departure from port. The crew are to follow their duty that had been assigned on the Muster List. By having proper trained crews onboard a ship, this will minimise the chance of human error and accidents from occurring. Furthermore, the crew are well trained to handle any emergencies such as fire . The International Maritime Organisation(IMO) 2009 once said that the quality and familiarisation are directly affected by the frequency and quality of the drills carried out. IMO added that a crew debrief after each drill is essential to emphasise lessons learned and to give additional training where necessary. 5. Conclusion 5.1 Further Improvements Every year, the International Maritime Organisation and other Maritime Body are working hand in hand to improve a seafarers life in terms of their living condition and to ensure that they are working in a safe environment. The organisation are trying to find constant improvement to reduce marine casualties, loss in revenue due to unwanted accidents. One improvement that can be introduce to the ship is the All-in-One fire extinguisher. This extinguisher would be able to combat any types of fire such as Class A , Class B, Class C or Class D fires. By having this fire extinguisher onboard the ship, the crew will not need to waste time to find different methods to combat different types of fire. Another improvement that could be introduced is the fire isolating system. This system will isolate the fire from spreading to other rooms and this will reduce the damage caused towards the ship. The Maritime Port Authority said that this new inventions will further improve the safety aspects but it still needs to undergo more tests before it can be implemented towards the ships. 5.2 Human Error is still the Main Cause The International Maritime Organisation have taken steps to ensure that the technology and safety equipments being implemented are up to date. Even thought this is so, nothing can be done if the accident caused is by human error. Even if the crew had gone for proper training, human error will still occur. An article by B.S Dhillon(2007), human error costs the Maritime Industry $541 million per year and a study of 6091 major accident claims revealed that 62% of the claims were attributed to human error. B.S Dhillion(2007) added that human error contributes to 84% to 88% of tanker accidents. [B.S Dhillon 2007. Human Reliability and Error in Transportation Systems, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering . Page 1.] These incidents will result in crew injuries or death and the ship will be delayed or damaged. Even if there is mechanical failure, human error can play a role in terms of lack of maintenance , monitoring or a breakdown in communication. The Bahamas Maritime Authority added that crew fatigue and complacency can be a major factor in this incident. The Bahamas Maritime Authority said that Good equipment can cost more, but safety should be accorded a higher priority because a ship cannot be operated safely without the seafarer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: An Analysis :: Kill Mockingbird essays

An Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      To Kill a Mockingbird is a narrative written by Harper Lee. By definition T.K.A.M is a mediated presentation of a causally connected series of actions involving characters in conflict. Harper Lee uses mediation to create a theme that illustrates the injustices of prejudice, intolerance, and quick judgments of others. Harper Lee choose the setting as an imaginary (Maycomb) county in Alabama during the 1930's. She set the story during this time because it was a time of social turbulence , and a time when Americans began to start thinking about more modern social issues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harper Lee chose to tell the book from the eyes of Scout, because Scout's innocence and young age allow her to have a pure, untainted view on any event that takes place. In general, Scout observes, but has no preconception of the events that develop. Scout's point of view was also chosen because as a child, she can find the smallest bit of goodness that exists in anyone. For a child, it is easier to see the shades of gray of someone's character. A child cannot cite someone's age or gender etc... as a cause for their problems or shortcomings. After examining every character in the book through the eyes of Scout, not one character has made a conscious decision to be evil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first character to be judged swiftly and wrongly is the Finch's neighbor Boo Radley. Boo is introduced as a hermit that lives shut up in his house, completely isolated from the outside world. Dill, Jem, and Scout spend most of their free time either ridiculing Boo or trying to lure him out of his house. By using the children's innocent fear of the unknown, Harper Lee succeeds in demonstrating the basis of all prejudice.In the end, the Finch's bizarre neighbor becomes a hero and saves the children from almost certain death. While the children imagined and concluded Boo was a monster of some sort, he ends up saving the children of whom he knows almost nothing about. This part also brings about a decision where abiding by the law would be an injustice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harper Lee introduces and portrays Bob Ewell as a villainous and evil man, but she creates Bob in this way to illustrate how judgment is too quickly made. Harper Lee begins to unfolds the root of Bob's anger.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

MKT Unit 5 DB

Nowadays there are many more marketing channels available than there were 15, or even ten years ago.   Now a company can market their products by means of a wide variety of channels open to them such as banners, video, wireless, desktop applications, etc – in addition to the more traditional marketing channels of print media and television. Marketing is a very important function which plays a role in strategic planning as it has a direct effect upon profitability and sales.   Larger businesses will dedicate specific staff and departments for marketing purposes, but it is not something that should be carried out in isolation from the rest of the business.   The departments need to work together in order for strategic planning and techniques to be successful (GCSE, 2006) Let’s take a look at how Sony may consider marketing its new PlayStation 3 (PS 3), which is to be launched in a couple of weeks in America.   It has already begun the marketing campaign with a pre product launch press release, wherein it allowed journalists to test the product.   This would be an effective strategy as it would enhance the mystery and curiosity surrounding the product. I think other channels which would be most effective in the marketing of this product would be all of the new channels listed above – banners, video, wireless, desktop applications, as well as television and the printed media, as long as the programs and publications used are aimed at the younger generation.     Retail outlets would also have their own promotional material such as posters and cardboard cutouts on display.   Sony could refer back to successes that they had in the marketing of the Sony Playstation 2, considering that according to them, an incredible 74 million Playstation 2s have been consumed – a figure trumped by sales of the two iterations of the original PlayStation hardware, now standing at 100 million. (Spong, 2006) References GCSE, 2006, retrieved 26 Oct 2006 from the website Spong, 2006, retrieved 26 Oct 2006 from the website

Friday, November 8, 2019

body problem essays

mind/body problem essays Of all the topics that are currently occupying the attention of philosophers, the Mind-Body problem is at center stage. It is one of the classical metaphysical issues concerning the relationship between that which is mental and that which is physical. The simple question asked is: what are we? Are we a mind, a body or both? The issue has its origins in the ancient dualism of Plato and since then many solutions to the problem have been offered. D.M. Armstrongs The Mind-Body Problem gives rise to all the possible solutions to the problem. In his writings, he accurately depicts the views of others, as well as his own. Armstrong wants it to be clear that all theories of the mind-body relation get involved in a certain amount of difficulty. The thing that we have to try and judge is what sort of theory seems to come off best [with] all things concerned. It is not and easy task(20). Out of the many possible theories, the Dualistic approach seems to be the weakest in trying to p ose a solution, while the Eliminative Materialistic approach appears to have the strongest hold on answering the never-ending question. According to Dualism, the human person is composed of two completely different substances: the mind and the body. The body, or physical substance, is essentially located and extended in space, inactive, lifeless and unthinking. The mind, or mental substance, is essentially active, living, thinking, and, though located in time, not located in space. Altogether, the human person is some sort of union of a mind and a body(9). This form of Dualism, which seems to be the least plausible in offering a sufficient answer to the mind-body problem, is more commonly referred to as substance dualism. Perhaps the most famous advocate of substance dualism was Rene Descartes, a 17th century philosopher who put forth a tremendous influence on the religious and scientific communi...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Seatbelts Laws Are Beneficial- Disagree Essay Example

Seatbelts Laws Are Beneficial Seatbelts Laws Are Beneficial- Disagree Essay Seatbelts Laws Are Beneficial- Disagree Essay The article that is being review is called Primary Seat belt Enforcement Laws Are Beneficial. The writer of this article is Kathyrn O’Leary Higgins. She explains on the logical thinking behind why seatbelt Torahs are really good to have on. Her chief logical thinking of this article is to explicate and commend you for sing this step that will so easy salvage many motor vehicle residents from crash-related deceases and hurts. She strongly believes that people who do non have on at that place seatbelt are more likely to acquire in to auto accidents. She did a great occupation seting this article together with all the good information and great points to each thought. The writer Kathyrn does give good credibleness throughout her article. Her vocabulary was good aimed toward college pupils. She did non nevertheless look in the way on how seatbelt Torahs can be unbeneficial. Although her subject is really problematic many do non hold with the thought that seatbelt enforcement Tora hs are good. Seatbelt Torahs may be the figure one defence against motor vehicle hurts and fatalities . The writer besides mentions that. These drivers. who choose non to clasp up. be given to exhibit multiple high hazard behaviours and are more often involved in clangs. Yet. that thought can be really problematic. Many people would extremely differ. merely because you aren’t have oning your seat belt doesn’t many you are more likely to drive loony. In add-on. Many people believe that it should be your ain determination if you want to have on a seat belt or non. Yes there may be many instances where a seat belt has saved persons lives. But there are besides many accidents where a seat belt has killed a person’s life or earnestly injured the person. For an illustration on how a seat belt killed an person. there was one accident wear the auto caught on fire and the person could non acquire the seat belt unattached which kept him trapped in the auto and died from the fire. Besides many people get injured from seat belts. They get bad thorax and shoulder hurts. There was one paper that mentioned on how the female parent left her girl in the auto while she was holding a conversation with a friend. She had a bad feeling and deceided to halt and look into on her girl. She knew something was non right when seen that her girl wasn’t traveling about. She opened the door to see her girl with two seat belts wrapped around her cervix. She was strangulating at that place and as they tried to un wrap the seat belts they got tighter. until they eventually got something to cut the seat belts and acquire her loose. That’s another great illustration on how seatbelts aren’t ever at that place for merely safety. Some people even believe that they can drive faster if have oning their seat belt. they believe if they crash they are safe due to the seat belt. which is pathetic. If this merely sounds perfectly absurd. inquire yourself: would you drive with greater attention if – one all right day- you woke and discovered that person c ut off your seat belt? If the reply is yes. so it means you aren’t driving every bit safely as you can. right now with your seat belt on ( Kumar. Navin. 1 ) . Yes in many instances seat belts cut down the sum of accidents that happen. and they decrease the figure of deceases. But they cause people to drive faster and more recklessly. doing more accidents and increasing the figure of people who die. Seatbelt Torahs are besides hypocritical. The writer references. Although oppositions to primary enforcement place belt Torahs claim that nonuse is a personal pick and affects merely the person. the fact is that motor vehicle hurts and human deaths have a important social cost. Why is it that a individual in a vehicle has to have on a seat belt yet a motorcyclist doesn’t have to have on a helmet? The good jurisprudence is a misdemeanor of a person’s freedom. Seat belts are at that place if a individual chooses to have on one. and those who want to can have on their seat belt. but those who don’t want to shouldn’t be forced to have on one. If some people think others are put on the lining their life because they aren’t have oning their seat belt so that’s their sentiment. Our belief is that it’s up to you to do your ain determinations. The authorities shouldn’t be coercing anyone to make anything for their ain good. In a free society. if person is injured or killed because they freely choose to utilize or non utilize their seat belt. that is a person’s calamity. as it is with other freely chosen hazards in life. It’s non at all sensible. Citations Higgins. Kathyrn O’Leary. Primary Seat Belt Enforcement Laws Are Beneficial. Cars in America. Ed. Andrea C. Nakaya. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. 2006. Opposing Point of views. Rpt. from Testimony of Honorable Kathryn O’Leary Higgins. Board Member. National Transportation Safety Board. 2009. Gale Opposing Point of views In Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //ic. galegroup. com. gary. libproxy. ivytech. edu. allstate. libproxy. ivytech. edu/ic/ovic/ViewpointsDetailsPage/ViewpointsDetailsWindow? failOverType= A ; query= A ; prodId=OVIC A ; windowstate=normal A ; contentModules= A ; mode=view A ; displayGroupName=Viewpoints A ; limiter= A ; currPage= A ; disableHighlighting=true A ; displayGroups= A ; sortBy= A ; source= A ; search_within_results= A ; action=e A ; catId= A ; activityType= A ; scanId= A ; documentId=GALE % 7CEJ3010429245 Kumar. Navin. Can safety ordinances kill you? How safe are seat belts and seatbelt Torahs? Digital Bits Skeptic. Copyright. 2012. Web 4 Feb 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dbskeptic. com/2009/06/21/can-safety-regulations-kill-you-how-safe-are-seabelts-and-seatbelt-laws/ hypertext transfer protocol: //www. sallycphotography. com/archives/2005

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Study Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Study Skills - Essay Example Study skills are never attained fully formed, any more than a grown man pops out of his mother’s womb. According to Cottrell(2003 p3)They evolve and mature through repetition, trial and error, critique from others and continued reflection as you progress through your individual journey as a learner The purpose of this module is to provide the opportunity to acquire and develop the study skills that will be necessary to successfully complete this course to a standard that I am aiming for. Being a competent independent learner is derived from being self motivated, being able to manage personal learning processes, good time management skills and continually reflecting on what and how you learn best and tailoring your energies to suit. Within this portfolio I will examine the development of learner independence, time management, self evaluation of personal learning, production of an action plan and improving my essay writing skills. If as anticipated this is completed successfully it will add additional skills to my current ones and aide me in my current quest to secure a higher second grade result on this degree course. Learner independence or autonomy can be defined as â€Å"capacity to take responsibility for, and control of, your own learning, whether in an institutionalised context, or completely independent of a teacher or institution† (Thornbury, 2006). Learner independence is the ability of the learners to control their learning process (Holec, 1981). In the present age, when knowledge is growing at very fast pace because of the ongoing research work and rapid advancements in technology, the importance of independent learning cannot be overemphasized. Learners must understand that the education they are provided with at institutions is time-constrained, and what they need to learn is not limited to what they are taught in schools. Most learners used to learning in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Advanced Management and Design in Yotsuba Group Assignment

Advanced Management and Design in Yotsuba Group - Assignment Example Before the implementation of this type of network, this report acknowledges the fact that there are two types of networks that will be implemented in this setting. The report proposes that the company adopts a wired and wireless type of network system infrastructure (Akyildiz, Wang, & Wang 2005, p 123). This organization is highly reliant on a computer network. The downtime cost may be extremely high. The information technology department will be responsible for the maintenance and upgrades of the computer network (Biswas & Morris 2004, p 234). The greatest concern with the implementation of a wireless network is the security that will need to be implemented when installing an enterprise wireless LAN. Therefore, this document is aimed at providing a technical guidance to Yotsuba Group for the proposed deployment for the Wireless LAN (WLAN) Other floors will contain an equal population. Since the organization has a population of 290 employees, the network designers will work on the assumption that each floor will have an approximate number of 40 employees per floor. It will also be impossible to set individual offices for these employees, therefore, they will have an open office which will be structured in the following way; Each flow will have a design that will approximate;y have the same capacity. They will be wired and wireless connections to facilitate those employees who choose to come to work with their own computing devices. The figure below represents the cubicle arrangement that will accommodate four individuals. This, therefore, means that there will be 10 such cubicles in one flow with both a wired connection and wireless connections. The following questions were important before the deployment of the wireless network connection that would fit the needs of the 8 floor newly acquired Yotsuba Group building (Forman, &Zahorjan, 2004, p 214).